
Prepackaged Liberalism

Politically, I am slightly to left of Karl Marx. However, that does not mean that I buy into every currently fashionable prepackaged set of opinions.

I do not go for this insane notion that you can decide what gender you are.

If you have a penis, and/or a Y chromosome, you are a MAN. You cannot change that by ‘identifying as a woman’. Doesn’t work that way. What you want to be doesn’t override biology.

If you ‘identify’ as a bird, and then jump off of the Space Needle, will you fly off?

If you are a guy, and want to dress up in women’s clothing, carry a purse, and wear makeup — I have NO PROBLEM with that. It’s your life, and you’re not hurting anybody. It’s none of my business. Frankly, I don’t fucking care. I can’t run my own life, let alone yours.

However, if I wind up dating you, under the impression that you are a woman, get to the finale, and find a penis, I am going to be FURIOUS. I will physically eject you from my apartment, with your clothes right behind you. Get dressed in the hallway.

Other than that scenario, it doesn’t affect my life, at all. Why can’t people mind their own business?


To Trumpsters (continued)

 I got this from someone on Quora. I lost his or her name. I always try to attribute things to their original authors. This time, all I can say is that I didn’t write this, but I wish I had.

What do I say to liberals to get them to understand we did not vote for Trump, we voted against Hillary and everything she represents?

There’s absolutely nothing you can say because, in American democracy, you never get what you vote against, you always get what you vote for.

You voted for an empty-headed, temperamental, child-like television personality. Donald’s temperament and lack of knowledge about politics, American government, and the world was laid bare for everyone to see for the past decade as he flirted with politics as a talking head on cable tv.

You voted for a failed, corrupt businessman who had been through bankruptcy several times who had connections to organized crime. Donald’s business record had been very public since the 1980s.

You voted for one of the most overtly and outwardly racist politicians since George Wallace. Donald’s views on this matter were very public before and all through his primary and general election campaign.

You voted for a misogynistic creep. Donald’s remarks about groping and sexually objectifying women, including his own teen-age daughter, were a matter of public record in his many television appearances and radio interviews, long before he became a candidate for office.

You voted for a candidate who advocated cuddling up to Putin and turning our backs on European allies. Putin’s record of human rights abuses, illegal territorial invasions, and political murder of his enemies was quite well-known and the subject of sanctions put in place by both parties long before Donald ran for office.

You voted for a candidate who chose as his running mate an extremist Christian nationalist who has a creepy fixation on gay sex. Pence’s dreadful record in his home state was well-known, long before Donald picked him as a running mate.

If you overlooked all of this – and more- to vote against Hillary Clinton, and chose to believe all the conspiracy theories and bogus charges lodged against the Clinton’s by GOP extremists going back to Newt Gingrich, none of which had any concrete proof or merit, you deserve every bit of scorn heaped upon you by your fellow citizens.

There is nothing – absolutely nothing – you can say that will make anyone understand why you were so ill-informed, reckless, and downright stupid to vote for Donald Trump.

Does that answer your question?


What would it take to convince me that some god exists?

As an atheist, what would it take to convince you of God? Think about your answer more before you just say “evidence”. What specific evidence could be only attributed to God that would convince you of God?

First, I would have to have a conception of this god. I am without the idea of god. The word ‘god’ is to me a semantically null sound, with no meaning. Many other humans use it to describe some mental state they are in that I cannot comprehend. I am never in that mental state.


I have come to suspect that the believers’ notion of ‘god’ is equivalent to some of the feelings I get from certain aspects of reality. The first example that springs to mind is music. A really good song puts me into a hypnotic daze, and I could easily see some people thinking it’s coming from something outside of themselves. Of course, the MUSIC is, but the feeling isn’t.