
Responding to Creationists

Ever notice that creationists NEVER get emotional about dogs being related to wolves? Or how you need a new flu shot every year because of the evolution of germs?

Creationists are immune to evidence. They are using pure emotion, combined with an incredible level of arrogance.  All modern science CLEARLY shows:

  1. The universe got along just fine without you.
  2. You were born, like any other biological entity.
  3. You will die, like every other biological entity.
  4. The universe will continue to get along just fine without you.
  5. The portion of the universe that qualifies as ‘human habitat’ is incredibly minuscule.
  6. You are not separate from nature.
  7. You are not a special spiritual being, with some sort of ‘dominion’ over nature.
  8. You are not that important. Get over yourself.

In the year 1850, you did not exist. In the year 2150, you will not exist. That is the way it REALLY is. Grow up, and deal with it.

Creationism is related to ‘dominionism’, which is even more stupid. Let me get this straight: approximately 30% of the surface of the Earth qualifies as ‘human habitat’, and the Earth is a tiny speck in the vastness of the universe, but you have ‘dominion’ over it? Wow. That is STUNNINGLY stupid.

The last time I interacted with a creationist, he was clearly expecting me to argue, and try to convince him to become an ‘evolutionist’ (that word cracks me up). I just said, “it is not my job to teach you elementary science. Go find a fifth grade science class — a real one, and audit it. Also, I will try to speak more slowly to you from now on.”