
To Anybody who Disputes Evolution

To anybody who considers himself “not an evolutionist”:

Your problem does not lie in accepting the science of evolution. The theory of evolution is every bit as solidly proven as the theory of gravity; it just takes a bit more education to understand. Sure, there are parts of it we don’t understand – that also goes for gravity.

You are outright delusional — unable to perceive reality; in other words, bat-shit crazy. You are living in a fantasy world. You cannot deal with the reality of being an ephemeral life form:

  1. The universe functioned just fine without you for a long time;
  2. You were born, just like any other complex biological entity. You popped out of a female, just like any other mammal, naked, wet, and screaming;
  3. You are not a spiritual being temporarily inhabiting a shell of flesh – this is it, deal with it. Conscious awareness is completely dependent on a functional living brain. You are a body of flesh and blood; eating, drinking, breathing, pissing, and shitting.
  4. You will die, and be gone, just like any complex biological entity;
  5. The universe will continue to go on without you. You are not that important – get over yourself.