
On Face Masks

I HATE wearing that fucking thing. I moved to the west coast to get away from hot muggy air. I want cool fresh air. I only wear a mask when forced.

  1. I have an immune system. George Carlin went over this perfectly twenty years ago.
  2. If I die, I die. That is coming no matter what. You wanna live forever? Ain’t gonna happen. Also, my life sucks, and I am ready to end it.
  3. As far as everyone else, it’s way too late. As a species, we are going extinct very soon. Forty years ago, the owners (those in charge) had a decision to make. The decision was between “maintaining human habitat” or “unfettered capitalism”. They decided that “keeping it in the black” completely overrode all concerns for the future of the human race. Well, the future is here. Wearing a mask is like standing in front of a full speed freight train holding up a little stop sign, like Wile E. Coyote.
The train is coming.