
My answer on Quora about religion and extinction

The original question was:

Do you think that religious belief has saved us from extinction?


Religious belief is one the prime factors driving us TO extinction. Specifically, the utterly bat-shit doctrine of ‘dominion’. Too many humans think that the Earth, and its biosphere, is humanity’s property. That wasn’t TOO harmful until a few hundred years ago.

That insanity, plus fossil fuel use, and the consequential impact on the environment has triggered far too many positive feedback loops. We are circling the drain, mostly due to catastrophic climate change.

We will be gone within a few decades, just another failed evolutionary experiment.


On the MCU

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has peaked. I predict it will decline in quality quickly over the next few years. Captain Marvel was the turning point. The character is far too powerful; giving them the same problem DC has with Superman. They keep thinking they have to keep topping themselves by jacking up the power levels. Problem is, characters who are too powerful are boring. That’s why, in DC, Batman is FAR more popular than Superman.

I saw the exact same progression in comics. I collected comics from 1971 to 1991. I also got a lot of back issues, where I could see it even more clearly.

In Fantastic Four #18 (c. 1963),

Fantastic Four #18


it states that Ben Grimm (the Thing) had a maximum lift of about five tons (and it was shown that Super Skrull was, indeed, much stronger than Ben). It was also clearly shown that the Hulk was just a bit stronger than Ben. When the Kingpin was introduced, he was a Spider-Man villain; it was clearly shown that just by being a freakishly strong normal human, he was almost a match for Spidey in raw strength.

Amazing Spider Man #52
Amazing Spider-Man #52



Then, they appeared to feel the need to keep jacking up the power levels. Today? They are mostly boring. DC went through the same progression with their characters decades earlier.

Kryptonite was invented by a Superman writer who realized his story was going to end on page two.



Prepackaged Liberalism

Politically, I am slightly to left of Karl Marx. However, that does not mean that I buy into every currently fashionable prepackaged set of opinions.

I do not go for this insane notion that you can decide what gender you are.

If you have a penis, and/or a Y chromosome, you are a MAN. You cannot change that by ‘identifying as a woman’. Doesn’t work that way. What you want to be doesn’t override biology.

If you ‘identify’ as a bird, and then jump off of the Space Needle, will you fly off?

If you are a guy, and want to dress up in women’s clothing, carry a purse, and wear makeup — I have NO PROBLEM with that. It’s your life, and you’re not hurting anybody. It’s none of my business. Frankly, I don’t fucking care. I can’t run my own life, let alone yours.

However, if I wind up dating you, under the impression that you are a woman, get to the finale, and find a penis, I am going to be FURIOUS. I will physically eject you from my apartment, with your clothes right behind you. Get dressed in the hallway.

Other than that scenario, it doesn’t affect my life, at all. Why can’t people mind their own business?


To Trumpsters (continued)

 I got this from someone on Quora. I lost his or her name. I always try to attribute things to their original authors. This time, all I can say is that I didn’t write this, but I wish I had.

What do I say to liberals to get them to understand we did not vote for Trump, we voted against Hillary and everything she represents?

There’s absolutely nothing you can say because, in American democracy, you never get what you vote against, you always get what you vote for.

You voted for an empty-headed, temperamental, child-like television personality. Donald’s temperament and lack of knowledge about politics, American government, and the world was laid bare for everyone to see for the past decade as he flirted with politics as a talking head on cable tv.

You voted for a failed, corrupt businessman who had been through bankruptcy several times who had connections to organized crime. Donald’s business record had been very public since the 1980s.

You voted for one of the most overtly and outwardly racist politicians since George Wallace. Donald’s views on this matter were very public before and all through his primary and general election campaign.

You voted for a misogynistic creep. Donald’s remarks about groping and sexually objectifying women, including his own teen-age daughter, were a matter of public record in his many television appearances and radio interviews, long before he became a candidate for office.

You voted for a candidate who advocated cuddling up to Putin and turning our backs on European allies. Putin’s record of human rights abuses, illegal territorial invasions, and political murder of his enemies was quite well-known and the subject of sanctions put in place by both parties long before Donald ran for office.

You voted for a candidate who chose as his running mate an extremist Christian nationalist who has a creepy fixation on gay sex. Pence’s dreadful record in his home state was well-known, long before Donald picked him as a running mate.

If you overlooked all of this – and more- to vote against Hillary Clinton, and chose to believe all the conspiracy theories and bogus charges lodged against the Clinton’s by GOP extremists going back to Newt Gingrich, none of which had any concrete proof or merit, you deserve every bit of scorn heaped upon you by your fellow citizens.

There is nothing – absolutely nothing – you can say that will make anyone understand why you were so ill-informed, reckless, and downright stupid to vote for Donald Trump.

Does that answer your question?


What would it take to convince me that some god exists?

As an atheist, what would it take to convince you of God? Think about your answer more before you just say “evidence”. What specific evidence could be only attributed to God that would convince you of God?

First, I would have to have a conception of this god. I am without the idea of god. The word ‘god’ is to me a semantically null sound, with no meaning. Many other humans use it to describe some mental state they are in that I cannot comprehend. I am never in that mental state.


I have come to suspect that the believers’ notion of ‘god’ is equivalent to some of the feelings I get from certain aspects of reality. The first example that springs to mind is music. A really good song puts me into a hypnotic daze, and I could easily see some people thinking it’s coming from something outside of themselves. Of course, the MUSIC is, but the feeling isn’t.


To Trumpsters

Copied this from a guy on  Quora .  His name is in there – he deserves the credit.

Is the USA more respected now (with Trump) than when Obama was President?

Clementine Bell, spent a lot of time in America, particularly the South

Hello from Australia.

No. You’re an absolute global laughingstock. I do not know how to convey to Americans how utterly ridiculous their country looks right now.

We haven’t always agreed with your military’s decisions and your incessant need to invade every place and constantly get involved in wars – but, as a country, you had quite a good reputation, and we all liked you for the most part.

Then you elected Donald Trump…and nobody could quite believe it. When we first heard of him, we (the rest of the world) assumed that he was running as a joke and that nobody would actually be silly enough to vote for him. Then after a while, we realized that he wasn’t joking, and that he was just a genuinely awful – and strangely cartoonish – person. The worst realization was that there are people in your country who listened to him speak and actually supported his message and agreed with what he was saying. I didn’t realize how many dreadfully racist, sexist, morally bankrupt and blatantly stupid individuals resided in America until Donald Trump launched his campaign. I was astounded, as was everybody I know.

You see, every country has a stereotype. They’re usually quite funny – for example, the stereotype about the Canadians is that they’re exceedingly friendly, moose-riding lumberjacks who like hockey and maple syrup. I’m not sure if Americans are aware of this, but the stereotype for Americans was always that you’re unintelligent, obnoxious, gun-toting rednecks. Now, we (the rest of the world) always assumed that this was just a funny stereotype, and that it didn’t accurately portray Americans. It was just a funny joke, right? Right?

Wrong. Donald Trump and his supporters embody what was supposed to be a funny caricature of an American. Outrageously ignorant, stupid, loud-mouthed, arrogant and lacking in any kind of empathy or self-awareness. Not only that, but he’s dangerously incompetent, entirely unpresidential and a complete and utter embarrassment. I’m not even American, but I feel so much second-hand embarrassment for you guys. The entire world is laughing at you. We were originally only joking about you guys being half-witted blowhards, but you proved us right. Honestly, if I were an American travelling the world, I would lie and tell people that I was Canadian. I would be embarrassed to be an American right now.

Your country was supposed to be the leader of the free world. You were supposed to be ahead of the pack. You constantly brag about your own greatness and almost every word you say is dripping with American exceptionalism. You lead us all to believe that you were this great, free, just country that believed in liberty and equal rights and moving forward into a better future. What happened to you? Your ‘President’ is an absolute joke. He’s cartoonish. He can barely string a sentence together, he knows absolutely nothing about politics or foreign policy and he humiliates you at every available opportunity. You ignore his blatant corruption, you allow things to slide, you become complacent and then you get infuriated when the rest of the world suggests that perhaps your country isn’t as great as you think it is.

But our amusement and our mockery turned to utter horror when things started to unfold. He has brought out the very worst in you. The racism, the sexism, the disgusting antiquated ‘values’ that should have been stamped out after WW2. You have Nazis feeling emboldened enough to march in the streets. You have a governor in Florida who was elected even after calling his black opponent a ‘monkey’ and running a racist facebook page with KKK-esque content. You have children being slaughtered in their schools. You have Puetro Rico. You have children being ripped from their parents at the Mexican border and put in internment camps. You have toddlers representing themselves in immigration court. You have documents being destroyed so that these children cannot be reunited with their parents. Several of these children have been adopted to American families and will likely never see their birth parents again. Women in these detention centers have been sexually assaulted. Children have been sexually molested. Pregnant women have had miscarriages that were ‘ignored’ by ICE workers. You have legal residents with green cards being deported without due process. You have a Navajo councilman being mobbed by conservatives demanding to know if he’s an ‘illegal’. You have people fearing for their lives and the lives of their children – sending them to school each day with all their immigration papers in their backpacks in case somebody calls ICE on them, as your Secretary for Education suggested that schools should start doing.

Then you have Brett Kavanaugh. Then you have all the men who think that what he did is perfectly fine and normal – and who have sent Dr Ford and her family death and rape threats, forcing them to flee their home multiple times. Then you have all the men who think that what Trump bragged about doing is perfectly fine and normal. Then you have Roy Moore – a literal pedophile who ran in Alabama and was endorsed by Donald Trump and his supporters. Many of which mocked his victims and sent them death and rape threats.

Then you have the Russia situation, where, even if your President isn’t under Russia’s thumb (he so obviously is, by the way) he absolutely humiliated you in-front of a hostile foreign power. I cringed watching him in Helsinki, feeling so much embarrassment of behalf of our American friends. The leader of your country sold you out to Russia. So much for the leader of the free world, huh?

Then your President has the nerve – the unmitigated hubris – to suggest that other countries are ‘shitholes’. He decides to institute a travel ban. He decides to make disgusting comments about immigrants from non-white countries, even openly suggesting that you need more from (white) places like Norway. Then he borrows his slogan ‘America First’ from the KKK. Yeah, that happened.

To be perfectly honest with you – and it pains me to say this, because the Americans used to be our friends- your country has become the real shithole. It’s an absolute disgrace and the entire world has lost so much respect for you. We understand that a lot of Americans firmly oppose this President and his policies, and we don’t hold him against you – but those of you that do support him are honestly the scum of the earth and I can’t quite understand how you got to this point. How low can you sink?

So to answer your question: no. You are not more respected under Trump. The fact that there are Trump supporters who believe that you are is absolutely ludicrous. The entire world thinks you’re utterly ridiculous, morally bankrupt and a real threat to world peace. You had a great country and you allowed it to descend into utter chaos. Half of the time we are laughing at your incompetent, buffoonish imbecile of a President, and the rest of the time we are living in fear of what kind of awful things he’ll do next – while your people just watch in complete apathy.

Most of you sat back and allowed this to happen, and your complicity might be the most terrifying thing of all.


How I Became Atheist

I grew up Roman Catholic. Baptism,First Communion, Confirmation, the whole bit.

When I was very young I really believed in Santa Claus.

At some age, I went through a phase where I wanted to believe, but it was just too preposterous, and the evidence for it was flimsy. Finally, I realized that such a being did not exist.

A few years later, at about age fifteen, I applied that same process to the Christian God. I also read everything I could find by Robert A. Heinlein. I learned about Zeus, and Odin, and realized that the Jewish mythology was at that level of credibility.

Then, I read the King James Bible, cover to cover.

Atheist ever since.